Chem. Phys. Lett. 319, 327-334 (2000).
(Received 17 February 1999; revised 27 September 1999)
The longitudinal component of the dynamic electronic first hyperpolarizability of
oligomers containing a small number of unit cells has been computed at the
Hartree-Fock, Møller-Plesset and
coupled-cluster levels with different atomic basis sets.
Using frequency-dependent coupled-cluster results,
we have tested the efficiency of the additive and multiplicative corrections
to approximate the frequency-dependent correlated values.
The multiplicative approach provides frequency-dependent
electronic first hyperpolarizability values that are within a few percent
of the true correlated ones whereas the additive correction leads to
2) too small by ~20%.
It turns out that the MP2/6-31G procedure is a suitable approach to reach a semi-quantitative accuracy.
*Corresponding author. Research Assistant of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research. Fax: +32-81-724567; e-mail:
1Research Associate of the Belgian National Fund for Scientific Research.
2Present address: Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Institute of Nanotechnology, P.O. Box 3640, D-76021 Karlsruhe, Germany.
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