Nuclear Quantum Effects Have a Significant Impact on UV/Vis Absorption Spectra of Chromophores in Water
Shota Tsuru, Bikramjit Sharma, and Christof Hättig, Dominik Marx
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 64, e202416068 (2025).
(see also the SI)
Excited State Dipole Moments of Two Dicyanobenzene Isomers from Thermochromic Shifts and Ab Initio Calculations
Matthias Zajonz, Tim Axel Oberkirch, Marie-Luise Hebestreit, Mirk Matthias Lindic, Christof Hättig, Michael Schmitt
J. Photochem. Photobio. A., 42, 115589 (2024).
Role of Singles Amplitudes in ADC(2) and CC2 for Low-Lying Electronically Excited States
Niklas Sülzner and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 20, 2462-2474 (2024).
A Computational Chemistry Study on the Evolution of Oxygen
Functional Groups During Char Burnout
Özlem Yönder, Gunnar Schmitz, Rochus Schmid, Bastian Schnieder, Christof Hättig
Fuel, 365 , 131217 (2024).
Insights into localization, energy ordering, and substituent effects in excited states of
azobenzenes from coupled cluster calculations of nuclear spin-induced circular dichroism
Josefine H. Andersen, Christof Hättig, Sonia Coriani, Petr Štěpánek
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 26, 9179-9196 (2024).
TURBOMOLE: Today and Tomorrow
Yannick J. Franzke, Christof Holzer, Josefine H. Andersen, Tomislav Begušić, Florian Bruder,
Sonia Coriani, Fabio Della Sala, Eduardo Fabiano, Daniil A. Fedotov, Susanne Fürst,
Sebastian Gillhuber, Robin Grotjahn, Martin Kaupp, Max Kehry, Marjan Krstić, Fabian Mack,
Sourav Majumdar, Brian D. Nguyen, Shane M. Parker, Fabian Pauly, Ansgar Pausch, Eva Perlt,
Gabriel S. Phun, Ahmadreza Rajabi, Dmitrij Rappoport, Bibek Samal, Tim Schrader,
Manas Sharma, Enrico Tapavicza, Robert S. Treß, Vamsee Voora, Artur Wodyński, Jason M. Yu,
Benedikt Zerulla, Filipp Furche, Christof Hättig, Marek Sierka, David P. Tew, and Florian Weigend
J. Chem. Theory Comp., 19, 6859-6890 (2023).
An efficient protocol for computing MCD spectra in a broad frequency range combining resonant and damped CC2
Josefine H. Andersen, Sonia Coriani, Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19, 5977-5987 (2023).
preliminary version on ChemRxiv:
ChemRxiv (Working Paper).
Performance of the COSMO solvation model for photoacidity and basicity in water
Ali Ghiami Shomami and Christof Hättig
J. Comput. Chem., 44, 1941-1955 (2023).
Computational Investigation of Explicit Solvent Effects and Specific Interactions of Hydroxypyrene Photoacids in Acetone, DMSO, and Water
Niklas Sülzner and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 25, 11130-11144 (2023).
Structural Sampling and Solvation Models for the Simulation of Electronic Spectra: Pyrazine as a Case Study
Shota Tsuru, Bikramjit Sharma, Dominik Marx, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 19, 2291-2303 (2023).
Pushing the limits: Efficient wavefunction methods for excited states in complex systems using frozen-density embedding
Robert S. Treß, Jing Liu, Christof Hättig, and Sebastian Höfener
J. Chem. Phys., 157, 204101 (2022).
Interactions of Water and Short-Chain Alcohols with CoFe2O4 (001) Surfaces at Low Coverages
Arjeta Rushiti, Tobias Falk, Martin Muhler, and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 24, 23195-23208 (2022).
Theoretical Study on the Photoacidity of Hydroxypyrene Derivatives in DMSO Using ADC(2) and CC2
Niklas Sülzner and Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. A, 126, 5911-5923 (2022).
Prediction of acid pKa values in the solvent acetone based on COSMO‐RS
Niklas Sülzner, Julia Haberhauer, Christof Hättig, and Arnim Hellweg
J. Comput. Chem., 43, 1011-1022 (2022).
Employing Pseudopotentials to Tackle Excited-State Electron Spill-Out in Frozen Density Embedding Calculations
Robert S. Treß, Christof Hättig, and Sebastian Höfener
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 18, 1737-1747 (2022).
Activation of Molecular O2 on CoFe2O4 (001) Surfaces: An Embedded Cluster Study
Arjeta Rushiti, Christof Hättig
Chem. Eur. J., 27, 17115-17126 (2021).
An automatized workflow from molecular dynamic simulation to quantum chemical methods to identify elementary reactions and compute reaction constants
Gunnar Schmitz, Özlem Yönder, Bastian Schnieder, Rochus Schmid, Christof Hättig
J. Comput. Chem., 42, 2264-2282 (2021).
Solvent Effects in the Ultraviolet and X-ray Absorption Spectra of Pyridazine in Aqueous Solution
Shota Tsuru, Bikramjit Sharma, Masanari Nagasaki, and Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. A, 125, 7198-7206 (2021).
Structure and Reactivity of Pristine and Reduced Spinel CoFe2O4 (001)/(100) Surfaces
Arjeta Rushiti, Christof Hättig, Bo Wen and Annabella Selloni
J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 9774-9781 (2021).
How Nitrogen Doping Affects Hydrogen Spillover on Carbon-Supported Pd Nanoparticles: New Insights from DFT
Lisa Warczinski and Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, 9020-9031 (2021).
Tracing Absorption and Emission Characteristics of Halogen-bonded Ion Pairs Involving Halogenated Imidazolium Species
Sarah Karbalaei Khani, Bastian Geissler, Elric Engelage, Patrick Nuernberger, and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23, 7480-7494 (2021).
Damped (linear) response theory within the resolution-of-identity coupled cluster singles and approximate doubles (RI-CC2) method
Daniil Fedotov, Sonia Coriani, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 154, 124110 (2021).
Magnetic Circular Dichroism of Naphthalene Derivatives: A Coupled Cluster Singles and Approximate Doubles and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory Study
Simone Ghidinelli, Giovanna Longhi, Sergio Abbate, Christof Hättig, Sonia Coriani
J. Phys. Chem. A, 125, 243-250 (2021).
Formic Acid-Assisted Selective Hydrogenolysis of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-Dimethylfuran over Bifunctional Pd Nanoparticles Supported on N-doped Mesoporous Carbon
Bin Hu, Lisa Warczinski, Xiaoyu Li, Mohong Lu, Johannes Bitzer, Markus Heidelmann, Till Eckhard,
Qi Fu, Jonas Schulwitz, Mariia Merko, Mingshi Li, Wolfgang Kleist, Christof Hättig, Martin Muhler, Baoxiang Peng
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 60, 6807-6815 (2021).
Angew. Chem., 60, 6807-6815 (2021).
Can Small Polyaromatics Describe Their Larger Counterparts for Local Reactions?
A Computational Study on the H-Abstraction Reaction by an H-Atom from Polyaromatics
Özlem Yönder, Gunnar Schmitz, Christof Hättig, Rochus Schmid, Paulo Debiagi, Christian Hasse, Andrea Locaspi, Tiziano Faravelli
J. Phys. Chem. A, 124 , 9626-9637 (2020).
Anchoring of palladium nanoparticles on N-doped mesoporous carbon
Lisa Warczinski, Bin Hu, Till Eckhard, Baoxiang Peng, Martin Muhler, Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22, 21317-21325 (2020).
Magnetic circular dichroism spectra from resonant and damped coupled cluster response theory
Rasmus Faber, Simone Ghidinelli, Christof Hättig, Sonia Corinai
J. Chem. Phys., 153, 114105 (2020).
Relaxation Dynamics of the Triazene Compound Berenil in DNA-Minor-Groove Confinement After Photo-Excitation
Alireza Marefat Khah, Peter Reinholdt, Patrick Nuernberger, Jacob Kongsted, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 16, 5203-5211 (2020).
Implementation of the Iterative Triples Model CC3 for Excitation Energies using Pair Natural Orbitals
and Laplace Transformation Techniques
Marius S. Frank, Gunnar Schmitz, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 153, 034109 (2020).
Comparison of Reaction Field Schemes for Coupling Continuum Solvation Models with
Wavefunction Methods for Excitation Energies
Sarah Karbalaei Khani, Alireza Marefat Khah, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 16, 4554-4564 (2020).
Analytical nuclear gradients for electron-attached and electron-detached states for the
second-order algebraic diagrammatic construction scheme combined with frozen-density embedding
Jing Liu, Christof Hättig, and Sebastian Höfener
J. Chem. Phys., 152, 184103 (2020).
Sree Ganesh Balasubramani, Guo P. Chen, Sonia Coriani, Michael Diedenhofen, Marius S. Frank, Yannick J. Franzke,
Filipp Furche, Robin Grotjahn, Michael E. Harding, Christof Hättig, Arnim Hellweg, Benjamin Helmich-Paris,
Christof Holzer, Uwe Huniar, Martin Kaupp, Alireza Marefat Khah, Sarah Karbalaei Khani, Thomas Müller,
Fabian Mack, Brian D. Nguyen, Shane M. Parker, Eva Perlt, Dmitrij Rappoport, Kevin Reiter, Saswata Roy,
Matthias Rückert, Gunnar Schmitz, Marek Sierka, Enrico Tapavicza, David P. Tew, Christoph van Wüllen,
Vamsee K. Voora, Florian Weigend, Artur Wodynski, and Jason M. Yu
J. Chem. Phys., 152, 184107 (2020).
note the supplementary material to this article
(for internal access klick here)
Avoiding Electron Spill-Out in QM/MM Calculations on Excited States with Simple Pseudopotentials
Alireza Marefat Khah, Peter Reinholdt, Jógvan Magnus Olsen, Jacob Kongsted, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 16, 1373-1381 (2020).
A quantum chemical study of hydrogen adsorption on carbon-supported palladium clusters
L. Warczinski and C. Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 21577-21587 (2019).
please, note the Correction to this article.
Picosecond timescale tracking of pentacene triplet excitons with chemical sensitivity
R. Costantini, R. Faber, A. Cossaro, L. Floreano, A. Verdini, C. Hättig, A. Morgante, S. Coriani, M. Dell'Angela
Comm. Phys., 2, 56 (2019).
Anharmonic excited state frequencies of para-difluorobenzene, toluene and catechol using analytic RI-CC2 second derivatives
David P. Tew, Christof Hättig, and Nora K. Graf
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 14063-14072 (2019).
Density functional theory study of CO formation through reactions of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with atomic oxygen (O(3P))
Özlem Yönder, Christof Hättig
Fuel, 241, 851-860 (2019).
UV Absorption and Magnetic Circular Dichroism Spectra of Purine, Adenine, and Guanine:
a Coupled Cluster Study in Vacuo and in Aqueous Solution
Sarah Karbalaei Khani, Rasmus Faber, Fabrizio Santoro, Christof Hättig, and Sonia Coriani
J. Chem. Theory Comput.,15, 1242-1254 (2019).
Influence of biomass torrefaction parameters on fast pyrolysis products under flame-equivalent conditions
S. Pielsticker, G. Möller, B. Gövert, T. Kreitzberg, O. Hatzfeld, Ö. Yönder,
V. Angenent, C. Hättig, R. Schmid, R. Kneer
Biomass and Bioenergy,199, 392-410 (2018).
How a linear triazene photoisomerizes in a volume-conserving fashion
Alireza Marefat Khah, Lena Grimmelsmann, Johannes Knorr, Patrick Nuernberger, Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,20, 28075-28087 (2018).
Analytic Excited State Gradients for the QM/MM Polarizable Embedded Second-Order Algebraic Diagrammatic Construction for the Polarization Propagator PE-ADC(2)
Alireza Marefat Khah, Sarah Karbalaei Khani, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput.,14, 4640-4650 (2018).
Circularly polarised fluorescence and phosphorescence calculations on organic
molecules using the approximate coupled-cluster model CC2
Chetana Badala Viswanatha, Benjamin Helmich-Paris and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 21051-21061 (2018)
COSMO-RI-ADC(2) excitation energies and excited state gradients
Sarah Karbalaei Khani, Alireza Marefat Khah and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 20, 16354-16363 (2018).
A pair natural orbital based implementation of CCSD excitation energies within the framework of linear response theory
Marius S. Frank and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 148, 134102 (2018).
Combining Accuracy and Efficiency: An incremental Focal-Point Method Based on Pair Natural Orbitals
Benjamin Fiedler, Gunnar Schmitz and Christof Hättig, and Joachim Friedrich
J. Chem. Theory Comput, 13, 6023-6042 (2017).
On the accuracy of explicitly correlated local PNO-CCSD(T)
Gunnar Schmitz and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput, 13, 2623-2633 (2017).
Ultrafast Dynamics of a Triazene: Excited-State Pathways and the Impact of Binding to the Minor Groove of DNA and Further Biomolecular Systems
Lena Grimmelsmann, Alireza Marefat Khah, Christian Spies, Christof Hättig, and Patrick Nuernberger
J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 8, 1986-1992 (2017).
The PNO-MP2 gradient and its application to molecular geometry optimisations
Marius S. Frank, Gunnar Schmitz and Christof Hättig
Mol. Phys., 115, 343-356 (2017).
Perturbative triples correction for local pair natural orbital based explicitly correlated CCSD(F12*)
using Laplace transformation techniques
Gunnar Schmitz and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 145, 234107 (2016).
Explicitly correlated second-order Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory in a Divide-Expand-Consolidate (DEC) context
Yang Min Wang, Christof Hättig, Simen Reine, Edward Valeev, Thomas Kjaergaard, Kasper Kristensen
J. Chem. Phys., 144, 204112 (2016).
Exploring the Light-Capturing Properties of Photosynthetic Chlorophyll Clusters Using Large-Scale Correlated Calculations
Carl-Mikael Suomivuori, Nina Winter, Christof Hättig, Dage Sundholm, Kaila Ville
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12, 2644-2651 (2016).
Origin-independent two-photon circular dichroism calculations in coupled cluster theory
Daniel H. Friese, Christof Hättig, and Antonio Rizzo
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 18, 13683-13692 (2016).
Spin-Free CC2 Implementation of Induced Transitions between Singlet Ground and Triplet Excited States
Benjamin Helmich-Paris, Christof Hättig, and Christoph van Wüllen
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12, 1892-1904 (2016).
Excited state polarizabilities for CC2 using the resolution-of-the-identity approximation
Nora K. Graf, Daniel H. Friese, Nina O. C. Winter and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 143, 244108 (2015).
Polarizable Embedded RI-CC2 Method for Two-Photon Absorption Calculations
Dalibor Hršak, Alireza Marefat Khah, Ove Christiansen, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 11, 3669-3678 (2015).
Toward Assessment of Density Functional for Vibronic Coupling in Two-Photon Absorption:
A Case Study of 4-Nitroaniline
Robert Zalesny, Guangjun Tian, Christof Hättig, Wojciech Bartkowiak, Hans Ågren
J. Comput. Chem., 36, 1124-1131 (2015).
Vibrational frequency scaling factors for correlation consistent basis sets and the methods
CC2 and MP2 and their spin-scaled SCS and SOS variants
Daniel H. Friese, Lisa Törk, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 141, 194106 (2014).
Explicitly correlated PNO-MP2 and PNO-CCSD and its application to the S66 set and large molecular systems
Gunnar Schmitz, Christof Hättig and David P. Tew
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 16, 22167-22178 (2014).
A pair natural orbital based implementation of ADC(2)-x:
Perspectives and challenges for response methods for singly and doubly excited states in large molecules
Benjamin Helmich and Christof Hättig
Comput. Theor. Chem., 1040-1041, 35-44 (2014).
Bidentate cycloimidate palladium complexes with aliphatic and aromatic anagostic bonds
Stephan Schöler, Maike H. Wahl, Nicole I. C. Wurster, Arik Puls, Christof Hättig, and Gerald Dyker
Chem. Commun., 50, 5909-5911 (2014).
Theoretical Study on Noncovalent Interactions in the Carbon Nanotube-Formic Acid Dimer System
Piotr Okrasinski, Zdzislaw Latajka, and Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. C, 118, 4483-4488 (2014).
Optical rotation calculations on large molecules using the approximate coupled cluster model CC2 and the resolution-of-the-identity approximation
Daniel H. Friese and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 16, 5942-5951 (2014).
A pair natural orbital implementation of the coupled cluster model CC2 for excitation energies
Benjamin Helmich and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 139, 084114 (2013).
The DALTON quantum chemistry program system
Kestutis Aidas, Celestino Angeli, Keld Bak, Vebjørn Bakken, Linus Boman, Ove Christiansen,
Renzo Cimiraglia, Sonia Coriani, Pål Dahle, Erik Dalskov, Ulf Ekström, Thomas Enevoldsen,
Janus Eriksen, Patrick Ettenhuber, Berta Fernandez, Lara Ferrighi, Heike Fliegl, Luca Frediani,
Emmanuel Fromage, Kasper Hald, Asger Halkier, Christof Hättig, Hanne Heiberg, Trygve Helgaker,
Alf Christian Hennum, Hinne Hettema, Stinne Høst, Ida-Marie Høyvik, Branislav Jansik, Hans Jørgen Jensen,
Dan Jonsson, Poul Jørgensen, Joanna Kauczor, Sheela Kirpekar, Thomas Kjærgaard, Wim Klopper,
Stefan Knecht, Rika Kobayashi, Jacob Kongsted, Henrik Koch, Andreas Krapp, Kasper Kristensen, Andrea Ligabue,
Ola Lutnæs, Juan Melo, Kurt Mikkelsen, Christian Neiss, Christian Nielsen, Patrick Norman, Jeppe Olsen,
Jógvan Magnus Olsen, Anders Osted, Martin Packer, Filip Pawlowski, Thomas Bondo Pedersen, Patricio Provasi,
Simen Reine, Zilvinas Rinkevicius, Torgeir Ruden, Kenneth Ruud, Vladimir Rybkin, Pawel Salek, Claire Samson,
Alfredo Sanchez de Meras, Trond Saue, Stephan Sauer, Bernd Schimmelpfennig, Kristian Sneskov, Arnfinn Steindal,
Kristian Sylvester-Hvid, Peter Taylor, Andrew Teale, Erik Tellgren, David Tew, Andreas Thorvaldsen,
Lea Thøgersen, Olav Vahtras, Mark Watson, David Wilson, Hans Ågren
WIREs Comput Mol Sci, doi: 10.1002/wcms.1172 (2013).
Filipp Furche, Reinhart Ahlrichs, Christof Hättig, Wim Klopper, Marek Sierka, Florian Weigend
WIREs Comput Mol Sci, doi: 10.1002/wcms.1162 (2013).
Computational screening of one- and two-photon spectrally tuned channelrhodopsin mutants
Kristian Sneskov, Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen, Tobias Schwabe, Christof Hättig, Ove Christiansen and Jacob Kongsted
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 15, 7567-7576 (2013).
A O(N3) scaling PNO-MP2 method using a hybrid OSV-PNO approach with an iterative direct generation of OSVs
Gunnar Schmitz and Benjamin Helmich and Christof Hättig
Mol. Phys., 111, 2463-2476 (2013).
Analytic molecular Hessian calculations for CC2 and MP2 combined with the resolution of identity approximation
Daniel H. Friese and Christof Hättig and Jörg Koßmann
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 9, 1469-1480 (2013)
A combined experimental and computational study on the adsorption and reactions of NO on rutile TiO2
Dorothee Stodt and Heshmat Noei and Christof Hättig and Yuemin Wang
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 466-472 (2013)
Investigation of Interstitial Hydrogen and related Defects in ZnO
Jörg Koßmann and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14, 16392-16399 (2012)
Benchmarks for 0-0 transitions of aromatic organic molecules: DFT/B3LYP, ADC(2),
CC2, SOS-CC2 and SCS-CC2 compared to high-resolution gas-phase data
Nina O. C. Winter, Nora K. Graf, Samuel Leutwyler and Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 15, 6623-6630 (2012)
Embedded cluster density functional and second-order Møller-Plesset
perturbation theory study on the adsorption of N2 on the rutile (110) surface
Dorothee Stodt and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 137,114705 (2012)
PERI-CC2: A Polarizable Embedded RI-CC2 Method
Tobias Schwabe, Kristian Sneskov, Jógvan Magnus Haugaard Olsen,
Jacob Kongsted, Ove Christiansen, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Theory Comput., 8, 3274-3283 (2012)
Local explicitly correlated second- and third-order Møller-Plesset
perturbation theory with pair natural orbitals
Christof Hättig, David Tew, and Benjamin Helmich
J. Chem. Phys., 136, 204105 (2012)
Large scale polarizability calculations using the approximate coupled
cluster model CC2 and MP2 combined with the resolution-of-the-identity approximation
Daniel H. Friese, Nina O. C. Winter, Patrick Balzerowski, Raffael Schwan, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 136, 174106 (2012)
Auxiliary basis sets for density-fitted correlated wavefunction calculations:
Weighted core-valence and ECP basis sets for post-d elements
Christof Hättig, Gunnar Schmitz, and Jörg Koßmann
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 14, 6549-6555 (2012)
Pair natural orbitals in explicitly-correlated second order
Møller-Plesset theory
David P. Tew and Christof Hättig
Int. J. Quant. Chem., 113, 224-229 (2013)
Prediction of Vibrational Frequencies of Possible Intermediates and
Side Products of the Methanol Synthesis on ZnO(0001)
by Ab Initio Calculations
Jörg Koßmann, Guido Roßmüller, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 136, 034706 (2012)
Local pair natural orbitals for excited states
Benjamin Helmich and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. , 135, 214106 (2011)
Calculation of two-photon absorption strengths with the approximate coupled cluster singles and doubles model CC2 using the resolution-of-identity approximation
Daniel H. Friese, Christof Hättig, Kenneth Ruud
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. , 14, 1175-1184 (2012)
Explicitly correlated electrons in molecules
Christof Hättig, Wim Klopper, Andreas Köhn, and David P. Tew
Chem. Rev. , 112, 4 (2012)
Quartic scaling analytical gradients of scaled opposite-spin CC2
Nina O. C. Winter and Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. , 401, 217-227 (2012)
Local explicitly correlated second-order Møller-Plesset
perturbation theory with pair natural orbitals
David P. Tew, Benjamin Helmich, Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. , 135, 074107 (2011)
The MP2-F12 Method in the Turbomole Program Package
Rafal A. Bachorz, Florian A. Bischoff, Andreas Glöß, Christof Hättig,
Sebastian Höfener, Wim Klopper, David P. Tew
J. Comput. Chem., 32, 2492-2513 (2011)
Scaled opposite-spin CC2 for ground and excited states
with fourth order scaling computational costs
Nina O. C. Winter and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 134, 184101 (2011)
The charge-transfer states in a stacked nucleobase dimer complex: A benchmark study
Adélia J. A. Aquino, Dana Nachtigallova, Pavel Hobza,
Donald G. Truhlar, Christof Hättig, Hans Lischka
J. Comput. Chem., 32, 1217-1227 (2011)
Oxidation of 2-Propanol by Peroxo Titanium Complexes: A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study
Daniel H. Friese, Christof Hättig, Markus Rohe, Klaus Merz,
André Rittermeier, Martin Muhler
J. Phys. Chem. C, 114, 19415-19418 (2010)
Recent Advances in Explicitly Correlated Coupled-Cluster Response
Theory for Excited States and Optical Properties
Jun Yang and Christof Hättig
Z. Phys. Chem. - Int. J. Res. Phys. Chem. & Chem. Phys., 224, 383-395 (2010)
Analytic Calculation of First-order Molecular Properties at the
Explicitly-correlated Second-order Møller-Plesset Level
Sebastian Höfener, Christof Hättig, Wim Klopper
Z. Phys. Chem. - Int. J. Res. Phys. Chem. & Chem. Phys., 224, 695-708 (2010)
Accurate computational thermochemistry from explicitly correlated
coupled-cluster theory
Wim Klopper, Rafal A. Bachorz, Christof Hättig, David P. Tew
Theo. Chem. Acc., 126, 289-304 (2010)
Communications: Accurate and efficient approximations to explicitly
correlated coupled-cluster singles and doubles, CCSD-F12
Christof Hättig, David P. Tew, Andreas Köhn
J. Chem. Phys., 132, 231102 (2010)
Sub-meV accuracy in first-principles computations of the ionization
potentials and electron affinities of the atoms H to Ne
Wim Klopper, Rafal A. Bachorz, David P. Tew, Christof Hättig
Phys. Rev. A, 81, 022503 (2010)
Automated calculation of anharmonic vibrational contributions to first
hyperpolarizabilities: Quadratic response functions from vibrational
configuration interaction wave functions
Mikkel Bo Hansen, Ove Christiansen, Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 131, 154101 (2009)
Photophysics of the Trp-Gly dipeptide: Role of electron and proton
transfer processes for efficient excited-state deactivation
Dorit Shemesh, Christof Hättig, Wolfgang Domcke
Chem. Phys. Lett., 482, 38-43 (2009)
Accurate Coupled Cluster Calculations of the Reaction Barrier Heights
of Two CH3• + CH4 Reactions
Wim Klopper, Rafal A. Bachorz, David P. Tew,
Jorge Aguilera-Iparraguirre, Yannick Carissan, Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. A, 113, 11679-11684 (2009)
Highly accurate CCSD(R12) and CCSD(F12) optical response properties
using standard triple-zeta basis sets
Jun Yang and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 131, 074102 (2009)
Preferential pathways for light-trapping involving β-ligated
Teodor Silviu Balaban, Paula Braun, Christof Hättig,
Arnim Hellweg, Jan Kern, Wolfram Saenger, Athina Zouni
Biochim. Biophys. Acta-Bioener., 1787, 1254-1265 (2009)
Formation of weakly bound, ordered adlayers of CO on rutile TiO2(110):
A combined experimental and theoretical study
Martin Kunat, Franziska Traeger, David Silber, Henshan Qiu, Yuemin Wang,
Andre C. van Veen, Christoph Wöll, Piotr M. Kowalski,
Bernd Meyer, Christof Hättig, Dominik Marx
J. Chem. Phys., 130, 144703 (2009)
Structures and harmonic vibrational frequencies for excited states of
diatomic molecules with CCSD(R12) and CCSD(F12) models
Jun Yang and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 130, 124101 (2009)
A Density Functional Study of the Methanol Synthesis at an Oxygen
Vacancy on the Polar ZnO(000-1) Surface
Guido Rossmüller, Volker Kleinschmidt,
Jörg Kossmann,
Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. C, 113, 1418-1425 (2009)
Benchmarking the performance of spin-component scaled CC2 in ground and
electronically excited states
Arnim Hellweg, Sarah A. Grün, Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 10, 4119-4127 (2008)
Diagonal orbital-invariant explicitly-correlated coupled-cluster method
David P. Tew, Wim Klopper, Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett., 452, 326-332 (2008)
On the internal rotations in p-cresol in its ground and first
electronically excited states
Arnim Hellweg and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 127, 024307 (2007)
Frequency-dependent nonlinear optical properties with
explicitly correlated coupled-cluster response theory
using the CCSD(R12) model
Christian Neiss and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 126, 154101 (2007)
Quantum-chemical investigation of the structures and electronic
spectra of the nucleic acid bases at the coupled cluster CC2 level
Timo Fleig, Stefan Knecht, Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. A, 111, 5482-5491 (2007)
Quintuple-ζ quality coupled-cluster correlation energies
with tripe-ζ basis sets
David P. Tew, Wim Klopper, Christian Neiss, Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 9, 1921-1930 (2007)
Optimized accurate auxiliary basis sets for RI-MP2 and RI-CC2
calculations for the atoms Rb to Rn
Arnim Hellweg,
Christof Hättig,
Sebastian Höfener,
Wim Klopper
Theo. Chem. Acc., 117, 587-597 (2007)
Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Mechanism in Quinolidines:
The Role of the Amino-Twist Angle
Christof Hättig,
Arnim Hellweg,
Andreas Köhn,
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 128, 15672-15682 (2006)
Optical properties of N-Succinimidyl bithiophene
and the effects of the binding to biomolecules: Comparison between coupled-cluster,
time-dependent density functional theory calculations and experiments
E. Fabiano, F. Della Sala, S. Lattante,
M. Anni, G. Sotgiu, G. Barbarella, C. Hättig,
R. Cingolani, and G. Gigli,
J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 18651-18660 (2006)
Femtosecond pump/probe photoelectron spectroscopy of
isolated C60 negative ions
Oli Th. Ehrler, Ji Ping Yang,
Christof Hättig,
Andreas-N. Unterreiner and Horst Hippler,
Manfred M. Kappes
J. Chem. Phys., 125, 074311 (2006)
Extensions of r12 corrections to CC2-R12 for
excited states
Christian Neiss,
Christof Hättig,
Wim Klopper
J. Chem. Phys., 125, 064111 (2006)
Inclusion of the (T) triples correction into the linear-r12
corrected coupled-cluster model CCSD(R12)
Heike Fliegl,
Christof Hättig,
Wim Klopper,
Intern. J. Quant. Chem., 106, 2306-2317 (2006)
Microwave and theoretical investigation of the internal rotation in m-cresol
Arnim Hellweg,
Christof Hättig,
Ilona Merke,
Wolfgang Stahl
J. Chem. Phys., 124, 204305 (2006)
Photophysics of organic photostabilizers.
Ab initio study of the excited-state deactivation mechanisms of
Andrzej L. Sobolewski, Wolfgang Domcke, Christof Hättig,
J. Phys. Chem. A, 110, 6301-6306 (2006)
High-order correlation effects on dynamic hyperpolarizabilities
and their geometric derivatives: a comparison with density
functional results
Magdalena Pecul, Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen,
Andreas Köhn, Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys., 124, 114101 (2006)
Benchmarking two-photon absorption with CC3 quadratic
response theory, and comparison with density functional
response theory
Martin J. Paterson, Ove Christiansen,
Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen, Christof Hättig,
Trygve Helgaker, Pawel Salek
J. Chem. Phys., 124, 054322 (2006)
Distributed memory parallel implementation of
energies and gradients for
second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory
with the resolution-of-the-identity approximation
Christof Hättig,
Arnim Hellweg,
Andreas Köhn,
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 8, 1159-1169 (2006)
Density dependence of electric properties of binary mixtures of inert gases
Antonio Rizzo, Sonia Coriani, Domenico Marchesan, Javier Lopez Cacheiro,
Berta Fernandez, Christof Hättig,
Mol. Phys., 104, 305-318 (2006)
Coupled-cluster response theory with linear r12
corrections: The CC2-R12 model for vertical excitation energies
Heike Fliegl,
Christof Hättig,
Wim Klopper,
J Chem. Phys., 124, 044112 (2006)
Structure optimizations for excited states with correlated
second-order methods: CC2, CIS(D∞), and ADC(2)
Christof Hättig
Adv. Quant. Chem., 50, 37-60 (2005)
Tautomeric selectivity of the excited-state lifetime of
guanine-cytosine base pairs:
the role of electron and proton transfer processes
Andrzej L. Sobolewski, Wolfgang Domcke and Christof Hättig,
Proceed. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102, 17903-17906 (2005)
The accuracy of ab initio molecular geometries for
systems containing second-row atoms
Sonia Coriani, Domenico Marchesan,
Jürgen Gauss
Christof Hättig,
Trygve Helgaker,
Poul Jørgensen,
J. Chem. Phys. 123, 184107 (2005)
The second hyperpolarizability of the N2 molecule
calculated using the approximate coupled cluster triples model CC3
Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen, Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 413, 272-279 (2005)
Frequency-dependent hyperpolarizabilities
of the Ne, Ar, and Kr atoms using
the approximate coupled-cluster triples model CC3
Stinne Høst,
Poul Jørgensen,
Andreas Köhn,
Filip Pawlowski,
Wim Klopper,
Christof Hättig,
J. Chem. Phys. 123, 094303 (2005)
The Cauchy moments of Ne, Ar, and Kr atoms
calculated using the approximate coupled cluster
triples model CC3
Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen, Christof Hättig
Adv. Quant. Chem. 48, 9-21 (2005)
Excited-State Intramolecular Protron Transfer:
A Survey of TDDFT and RI-CC2 Excited-State Potential Energy Surfaces
Adelia J. A. Aquino, Hans Lischka, Christof Hättig
J. Phys. Chem. A 109, 3201-3208 (2005)
Coupled-cluster theory with simplified linear r12 corrections: The CCSD(R12) model
Heike Fliegl, Christof Hättig, and Wim Klopper
J. Chem. Phys. 122, 084107 (2005)
Optimization of auxiliary basis sets for RI-MP2 and RI-CC2
calculations: Core-valence and quintuple-ζ basis sets
for H to Ar and QZVPP basis sets for Li to Kr
Christof Hättig
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 7, 59-66 (2005)
Coupled cluster calculations of the optical rotation of
S-propylene oxide in gas phase and solution
Jacob Kongsted, Thomas Bondo Pedersen, Mikkel Strange,
Anders Osted, Aage E. Hansen, Kurt V. Mikkelsen, Filip Pawlowski,
Poul Jørgensen, Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 401, 385-392 (2005)
The Cotton-Mouton effect of Neon and Argon gases revisited:
a benchmark study using highly correlated coupled cluster
wave functions
Antonio Rizzo, Miháli Kállay, Jürgen Gauss,
Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen, Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 121, 9461-9473 (2004)
The hyperpolarizability of the Ne atom using the
approximate coupled cluster triples model CC3
Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen
and Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 391, 27-32 (2004)
On the nature of the low-lying singlet states of
Andreas Köhn and Christof Hättig
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 7399-7410 (2004)
Gauge invariance of oscillator strengths in the approximate
coupled cluster triples model CC3
Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen
and Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 389, 412-420 (2004).
Coupled cluster calculations of the ground state
potential and interaction induced electric properties of the mixed
dimers of helium, neon, and argon
Javier Lopez Cacheiro, Berta Fernandez,
Domenico Marchesan, Sonia Coriani,
Christof Hättig, Antonio Rizzo
Mol. Phys. 102, 101-110 (2004).
Analytic gradients for excited states in the coupled-cluster model CC2
employing the resolution-of-the-identity approximation
Andreas Köhn and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 119, 5021-5036 (2003)
Ab initio calculation of the vibrational and electronic
spectra of trans- and cis-azobenzene
Heike Fliegl, Andreas Köhn, Christof Hättig,
Reinhart Ahlrichs
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 125, 9821-9827 (2003)
Ab initio calculation of the
refractivity and hyperpolarizability
second virial coefficients of neon gas
Christof Hättig, Javier Lopez Cacheiro, Berta Fernandez, Antonio Rizzo
Mol. Phys. 101, 1983-1995 (2003)
Geometry optimizations with the coupled-cluster model CC2
using the resolution-of-the-identity approximation
Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 118, 7751-7761 (2003)
OPEP: A tool for the optimal partitioning of electric properties
János G. Ángyán,
Christophe Chipot, François Dehez,
Christof Hättig, Georg Jansen, and Claude Millot
J. Comput. Chem. 24, 997-1008 (2003)
A Lagrangian, integral-density direct formulation of the analytic
CCSD and CCSD(T) gradients
Kasper Hald, Asger Halkier, Poul Jørgensen,
Sonia Coriani, Christof Hättig, Trygve Helgaker
J. Chem. Phys. 118, 2985-2998 (2003)
Calculation of frequency dependent polarizabilities using
the approximate coupled-cluster triples model CC3
Kasper Hald, Filip Pawlowski, Poul Jørgensen
and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 118, 1292-1300 (2003)
Transition moments and excited state first-order properties in the
second-order coupled cluster model CC2 using the resolution of the
identity approximation
Christof Hättig and Andreas Köhn
J. Chem. Phys. 117, 6939-6951 (2002)
The effect of intermolecular interactions on the electric properties
of helium and argon. Part III: Quantum statistical calculations of the
dielectric second virial coefficients.
Antonio Rizzo, Christof Hättig, Berta Fernandez, Henrik Koch
J. Chem. Phys. 117, 2609-2618 (2002)
Vir. J. Nano. Sci. Tech. 6 (2002)
Comment on: ``Efficient calculation of canonical MP2 energies'',
[P. Pulay, S. Saebø, K. Wolinski, Chem. Phys. Lett. 344, (2001) 543-552]
Andreas Köhn and Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 358, 350-353 (2002).
Implementation of RI-CC2 triplet excitation energies with an
application to trans-azobenzene
Christof Hättig and Kasper Hald
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 4, 2111-2118 (2002).
First-order properties for triplet excited states in the
approximated Coupled Cluster model CC2 using an explicitly
spin coupled basis
Christof Hättig, Andreas Köhn, Kasper Hald
J. Chem. Phys. 116, 5401-5410 (2002)
Vir. J. Nano. Sci. Tech. 5 (2002)
Efficient use of the correlation consistent basis sets in
resolution of the identity MP2 calculations
Florian Weigend, Andreas Köhn, and Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 116, 3175-3183 (2002)
CC3 triplet excitation energies using an explicit spin coupled
excitation space
Kasper Hald, Christof Hättig, Jeppe Olsen, and
Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 115, 3545-3552 (2001)
Triplet excitation energies in the coupled cluster singles and
doubles model using an explicit triplet spin coupled
excitation space
Kasper Hald, Christof Hättig,
Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 113, 7765-7772 (2000)
CC2 excitation energy calculations on large molecules
using the resolution of the identity approximation
Christof Hättig and Florian Weigend
J. Chem. Phys. 113, 5154-5161 (2000)
Linear Response CC2 triplet excitation energies
Kasper Hald, Christof Hättig, Danny L. Yeager,
Poul Jørgensen
Chem. Phys. Lett. 328, 291-301 (2000)
Gauge-origin independent magneto-optical activity within
coupled cluster response theory
Sonia Coriani, Christof Hättig, Poul Jørgensen,
Trygve Helgaker
J. Chem. Phys. 113, 3561-3572 (2000)
Ab initio study of the electric-field-gradient-induced
birefringence of a polar molecule: CO
Antonio Rizzo, Sonia Coriani, Asger Halkier, Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 113, 3077-3087 (2000)
Distributed first and second order hyperpolarizabilities
and their application in an improved method to calculate
macroscopic nonlinear optical susceptibilities of molecular crystals
Heribert Reis, M. G. Papadopoulos, Christof Hättig,
Janós G. Ángyán, R. W. Munn
J. Chem. Phys. 112, 6161-6172 (2000)
Correlated frequency-dependent first hyperpolarizability of
small push-pull conjugated chains
Denis Jacquemin, Benoit Champagne, Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 319, 327-334 (1999)
The effect of intermolecular interactions on the electric properties
of helium and argon. Part II: The dielectric, refractivity, Kerr and
hyperpolarizability second virial coefficients
Henrik Koch, Christof Hättig, Helena Larsen,
Jeppe Olsen, Poul Jørgensen,
Berta Fernandez, Antonio Rizzo
J. Chem. Phys. 111, 10108-10118 (1999)
The effect of intermolecular interactions on the electric properties
of helium and argon. Part I:
Ab initio calculation of the interaction induced
polarizability and hyperpolarizability in He2 and Ar2
Christof Hättig, Helena Larsen, Jeppe Olsen, Poul Jørgensen,
Henrik Koch, Berta Fernandez, Antonio Rizzo
J. Chem. Phys. 111, 10099-10107 (1999)
The electric-field-gradient-induced birefringence
of Helium, Neon, Argon and SF6
Sonia Coriani, Christof Hättig, Antonio Rizzo
J. Chem. Phys. 111, 7828-7836 (1999)
Dispersion coefficients for polarizabilities, and first and second
hyperpolarizabilities using full configuration interaction theory
Helena Larsen, Jeppe Olsen, Christof Hättig,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 307, 235-243 (1999)
Polarizabilities and first hyperpolarizabilities of HF, Ne and BH
from full configuration interaction and coupled cluster calculations
Helena Larsen, Jeppe Olsen, Christof Hättig,
Poul Jørgensen, Ove Christiansen, Jürgen Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 111, 1917-1925 (1999)
Gauge invariant coupled cluster response theory
Thomas Bondo Pedersen, Henrik Koch, Christof Hättig
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 8318-8327 (1999)
Ab initio calculation of the frequency-depndent interaction
induced hyperpolarizability of Ar2
Berta Fernandez, Christof Hättig,
Henrik Koch, Antonio Rizzo
J. Chem. Phys. 110, 2672-2682 (1999)
Comment on: ``Response to Comment on:
``Frequency-dependent equation-of-motion coupled
cluster hyperpolarizabilities: Resolution of the discrepancy between
theory and experiment for HF?'' ' '',
[J. Chem. Phys. 107, 10823 (1997)]
Christof Hättig, Henrik Koch and Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 9204 (1998)
Coupled cluster investigation of the electric-field-gradient-induced
birefringence of H2, N2, CH4
and C2H4
Sonia Coriani, Christof Hättig, Poul Jørgensen,
Antonio Rizzo, and Kenneth Ruud
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 7176-7184 (1998)
Dispersion coefficients for second hyperpolarizabilities using
coupled cluster cubic response theory
Christof Hättig and Poul Jørgensen
Adv. Quant. Chem. 35, 111-148 (1999)
Dispersion formulas for the second hyperpolarizability components
Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 296, 245-252 (1998)
Ground and excited state polarizabilities and dipole transition
moments of benzene from coupled cluster response theory
Ove Christiansen, Christof Hättig and Poul Jørgensen
Spectrochimica Acta Part A 55, 509-524 (1999)
Static and frequency-dependent polarizabilities of
excited singlet states using coupled cluster response theory
Christof Hättig, Ove Christiansen, Sonia Coriani
and Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 109 9237-9243 (1998)
Derivation of coupled cluster excited states response functions
and multiphoton transition moments between two excited states
as derivatives of variational functionals
Christof Hättig and Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 109 9219-9236 (1998)
Polarizabilities of CO, N2, HF, Ne, BH, and
CH+ from ab initio calculations:
systematic studies of electron correlation,
basis set errors and vibrational contributions
Ove Christiansen, Christof Hättig and Jürgen Gauss
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 4745-4757 (1998).
Dispersion coefficients for first hyperpolarizabilities using
coupled cluster quadratic response theory
Christof Hättig and Poul Jørgensen
Theor. Chem. Acc. 100 230-240 (1998)
Comment on: ``Frequency-dependent equation-of-motion coupled
cluster hyperpolarizabilities: Resolution of the discrepancy between
theory and experiment for HF?'', [J. Chem. Phys. 107, 10823 (1997)]
Christof Hättig, Henrik Koch and Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 3293-3295 (1998)
A basis set study of coupled cluster and full configuration
interaction calculations of molecular electric properties of BH
Helena Larsen, Christof Hättig,
Jeppe Olsen and Poul Jørgensen
Chem. Phys. Lett. 291, 536-546 (1998).
Coupled cluster calculations of the frequency-dependent second
hyperpolarizabilities of Ne, Ar, N2 and CH4
Christof Hättig and Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 109, 2762-2778 (1998).
Dispersion formulas for hyperpolarizability averages
Christof Hättig
Mol. Phys.94, 455-460 (1998).
Coupled cluster response calculations of twophoton transition
probability rate constants for helium, neon and argon
Christof Hättig, O. Christiansen, and P. Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 108, 8355-8359 (1998).
Multiphoton transition moments and absorption cross sections in
coupled cluster response theory employing variational transition
moment functionals
C. Hättig, O. Christiansen, and P. Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 108, 8331-8354 (1998).
TDMP2 calculation of dynamic multipole polarizabilities and
dispersion coefficients of the Halogen Anions
F-, Cl-, Br-, I-
Christof Hättig and Bernd Artur Heß
J. Chem. Phys. 108, 3863-3870 (1998).
Estimate of the experimental static hyperpolarizability
of Neon based on coupled cluster response calculations
Christof Hättig and Poul Jørgensen
Chem. Phys. Lett. 283, 109-113 (1998).
Frequency-dependent second hyperpolarizabilities using
coupled cluster cubic response theory
Christof Hättig, Ove Christiansen, and Poul Jørgensen
Chem. Phys. Lett. 282, 139-146 (1998).
Coupled Cluster calculations of Verdet Constants
Sonia Coriani, Christof Hättig, Poul Jørgensen,
Asger Halkier, and Antonio Rizzo
Chem. Phys. Lett. 281, 445-451 (1998).
Calculation of Total Photoabsorption Cross Sections of
Ar, Kr, N2 and CO
Nicola Stein, Christof Hättig, and Bernd Artur Heß
Chem. Phys. 225, 309-317 (1997)
Response functions from Fourier component
variational perturbation theory applied to a
time-averaged quasienergy
Ove Christiansen, Christof Hättig, and Poul Jørgensen
Intern. J. Quant. Chem. 68, 1-52 (1998)
Cauchy moments and dispersion coefficients using
coupled cluster linear response theory
Christof Hättig, Ove Christiansen, and Poul Jørgensen
J. Chem. Phys. 107, 10592-10598 (1997)
Frequency-dependent first hyperpolarizabilities using
coupled cluster quadratic response theory
Christof Hättig, Ove Christiansen,
Henrik Koch, Poul Jørgensen
Chem. Phys. Lett. 269, 428-434 (1997)
On the calculation of derivatives for Coulomb-type interaction
energies and general anisotropic pair potentials
Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 268, 521-530 (1997)
Intermolecular Interaction Energies by Topologically Partitioned
Electric Properties. II. Dispersion energies in one-centre and
multicentre multipole expansions
Christof Hättig, Georg Jansen, Bernd Artur Heß,
and Janós G. Ángyán,
Mol. Phys. 91, 145-160 (1997)
Recurrence relations for the direct calculation of spherical multipole
interaction tensors and Coulomb-type interaction energies
Christof Hättig
Chem. Phys. Lett. 260, 341-351 (1997)
TDMP2 calculation of dynamic multipole polarizabilities and
dispersion coefficients of the triplebonded molecules
CO, N2, CN-, and NO+
Christof Hättig and Bernd Artur Heß
J. Chem. Phys. 105, 9948-9965 (1996)
Transferability of topologically partitioned polarizabilities:
the case of n-alkanes
Anthony J. Stone, Christof Hättig, Georg Jansen,
and Janós G. Ángyán,
Mol. Phys. 89, 595-605 (1996)
Ab initio study of the individual interaction
energy components in the ground state of the
mercury dimer
Christian Kunz, Christof Hättig,
and Bernd Artur Heß
Mol. Phys. 89, 139-156 (1996)
Topologically Partitioned Dynamic Polarizabilities Using the
Theory of Atoms in Molecules
Christof Hättig,
Georg Jansen,
Bernd Artur Heß,
and Janós G. Ángyán,
Can. J. Chem. 74, 976-987 (1996)
Intermolecular Interaction Energies by Topologically Partitioned
Electric Properties. I. Electrostatic and Induction Energies in
One-Centre and Multi-Centre Multipole Expansions
Georg Jansen,
Christof Hättig,
Bernd Artur Heß,
and Janós G. Ángyán,
Mol. Phys. 88, 69-92 (1996)
TDMP2 calculation of dynamic multipole polarizabilities and
dispersion coefficients of the noble gases Ar, Kr, Xe and Rn
Christof Hättig and Bernd Artur Heß
J. Phys. Chem. 100, 6243-6348 (1996)
Correlated frequency-dependent polarizabilities and dispersion
coefficients in the time-dependent second-order
Møller-Plesset approximation
Christof Hättig and Bernd Artur Heß
Chem. Phys. Lett. 233, 359-370 (1995)
Distributed polarizabilities using the topological theory
of atoms in molecules
János G. Ángyán,
Georg Jansen, Michel Loos, Christof Hättig,
and Bernd Artur Heß
Chem. Phys. Lett. 219, 267-273 (1994)
Calculation of orientation-dependent double-tensor moments
for Coulomb-type intermolecular interactions
Christof Hättig and Bernd Artur Heß
Mol. Phys. 81, 813-824 (1994)
Back to Table of Contents
A Dual Experimental–Theoretical Perspective on ESPT Photoacids and Their Challenges Ahead
Niklas Sülzner, Gregor Jung, and Patrick Nuernberger
Chem. Sci., 16, 1560-1596 (2025).
New light on proton transfer: Spectral and kinetic signature of a transient Eigen complex
Niklas Sülzner
Chem, 10, 3276-3278 (2024).
Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics Simulations Provide Evidence for Coexistence of Planar and Nonplanar Intramolecular Charge Transfer Structures in Fluorazene
Michal Andrzej Kochman
J. Phys. Chem. A, 128, 6685-6694 (2024).
Nonadiabatic molecular dynamics simulations shed light on the timescale of furylfulgide photocyclisation
Michal Andrzej Kochman
New J. Chem., 48, 14327-14335 (2024).
Solubility of Mono-Aminiacridines
Ali Ghiami-Shomami, Sofja Tshepelevitsh, Eliise Tammekivi, Mihkel Ilisson,
Aton Mastitski, Agnes Kütt, Lauri Toom, Ivo Leito
ChemistySelect, 8, e202300835 (2023).
Adaptive regularized Gaussian process regression for application in the context of hydrogen adsorption on graphene sheets
Gunnar Schmitz and Bastian Schnieder
J. Comput. Chem., 44, 732-744 (2022).
Ultrafast X-ray photoelectron diffraction from free molecules: Simulation of diffraction profiles from transient intermediates in the elimination reaction of C2H4I2
S. Minemoto, J. H. Mun, T. Teramoto, A. Ygishita, S. Tsuru
J. Elec. Spec. Rel. Phen., 258, 147221 (2022).
Ultrafast transient absorption and solvation of a super-photoacid in acetoneous environments
Johannes Knorr, Niklas Sülzner, Bastian Geissler, Christian Spiess, Alexander Grandjean, Roger-Jan Kutta, Gregor Jung, and Patrick Nuernberger
Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 21, 2179-2192 (2022).
Excited-State Proton Transfer Dynamics of a Super-Photoacid in Acetone-Water Mixtures
Niklas Sülzner, Bastian Geissler, Alexander Grandjean, Gregor Jung, and Patrick Nuernberger
ChemPhotoChem, 6, e202200041 (2022).
Basic studies toward ultrafast soft x-ray photoelectron diffraction; its application to probing local structure in iodobenzene
T. Teramoto, S. Minemoto, T. Majima, T. Mizuno, J. H. Mun, A. Ygishita, P. Decleva, S. Tsuru
Structural Dynamics - US , 9, 024303 (2022).
X-ray transient absorption reveals the 1Au(nπ*) state of pyrazine in electronic relaxation
Valeriu Scutelnic, Shota Tsuru, Mátyás Pápai, Zheyue Yand, Michael Epshtein, Tian Xue,
Eric Haugen, Yuki Kobayashi, Anna I. Krylov, Klaus B. Møller, Sonia Coriani, Stephen R. Leone
Nature Communications, 12, 5003 (2021).
Structure and properties of bimetallic titanium and vanadium oxide clusters
Benjamin Helmich, Marek Sierka, Jens Döbler and Joachim Sauer
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 16, 8441-8447 (2014).
Effects of counterpoise correction and basis set extrapolation on the MP2 geometries of hydrogen bonded dimers
of ammonia, water, and hydrogen fluoride
A. Daniel Boese, Georg Jansen, Martin Torheyden, Sebastian Höfener, and Wim Klopper
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 13, 1230-1238 (2011).
Back to Table of Contents
Raw data for:
"Nuclear Quantum Effects Have a Significant Impact on UV/Vis Absorption Spectra of Chromophores in Water"
Shota Tsuru, Bikramjit Sharma, and Christof Hättig, Dominik Marx
TUDOdata (2024). https://doi.org/10.17877/RESOLV-2024-m2kiewcc
HyATrax v1.0.0
Bastian Schnieder, Rochus Schmid, Christof Hättig
Zenodo (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12526535
Raw Data to "
A Computational Chemistry Study on the Evolution of Oxygen
Functional Groups During Char Burnout"
Bastian Schnieder, Christof Hättig, Gunnar Schmitz, Rochus Schmid, Özlem Yönder
Zenodo (2024). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10514181
Raw Data to "On the Role of Singles Amplitudes in ADC(2) and CC2 for Low-Lying Electronically Excited States"
Niklas Sülzner and Christof Hättig
Zenodo (2023). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10256897
Raw Data to "Performance of the COSMO solvation model for photoacidity and basicity in water"
Ali Ghiami Shomami and Christof Hättig
Zenodo (2023). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7792022
Raw Data to "Computational Investigation of Explicit Solvent Effects and Specific Interactions of Hydroxypyrene Photoacids in Acetone, DMSO, and Water"
Niklas Sülzner and Christof Hättig
Zenodo (2023). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7594763
Raw Data to "Theoretical Study on the Photoacidity of Hydroxypyrene Derivatives in DMSO Using ADC(2) and CC2"
Niklas Sülzner and Christof Hättig
Zenodo (2022). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6598713
Raw Data to "Prediction of acid pKa values in the solvent acetone based on COSMO‐RS"
Niklas Sülzner, Julia Haberhauer, Christof Hättig, and Arnim Hellweg
Zenodo (2022). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5676010
Back to Table of Contents
A Combined Experimental and Theoretical Study on Hydroxypyrene Super-Photoacids
PhD Thesis Niklas Sülzner (2023)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Implementation of the Frozen Density Embedding method in combination with Pair Natural Orbitals
PhD Thesis Robert S. Treß (2022)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Quantum Chemical Investigation of Catalytic Cycles on Spinel CoFe2O4(001) Surfaces
PhD Thesis Arjeta Rushiti (2022)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Atomistic Multiscale Modeling of Char Combustion Reactions
PhD Thesis Özlem Yönder (2021)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Computational study of metal-support interactions for carbon-supported palladium nanoparticles
PhD Thesis Lisa Warczinski (2020)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Implementation of COSMO- & PE-PNO-CC2 and their Application to Organic Molecules
MSc Thesis Matthias Rückert (2019)
(not available in electronic form)
Polarizable Embedded ADC(2) gradients and DNA-confinement effects on the electronically excited-state relaxation pathways of Berenil
PhD Thesis Alireza Marefat Khah (2019)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Analyzing Solvent Effects on Halogen-bonded Ion Pairs with Wavefunction Methods Combined with COSMO
PhD Thesis Sarah Karbalaei Khani (2019)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Implementation of Coupled Cluster Excitation Energies and Gradients using Pair Natural Orbitals
PhD Thesis Marius Frank (2019)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Quantenchemische Untersuchungen zur Wechselwirkung von polycyclischen aromatischen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit CO
BSc Thesis Julian Golzwarden (2018)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
Ab initio calculations for the reaction mechanisms of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with O(3P)
MSc Thesis Özlem Yönder (2017)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
Chiral fluorescence and phosphorescence
MSc Thesis Chetana Badala Viswanatha (2017)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
A computational study of the first electronic excited state of Berenil in solutions
MSc Thesis Alireza Marefat Khah (2016)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
CD-Spektren als Sonde für die Phenyl-Torsion in 4-Phenyldihydropyranen
BSc Thesis Niklas Sülzner (2016)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
Explizit korrelierte lokale Korrelationsmethoden unter Verwendung von paarspezifischen natürlichen Orbitalen
PhD Thesis Gunnar Schmitz (2016)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Paarspezifische natürliche Orbitale zur effizienten Berechnung von Coupled-Cluster-Anregungsenergien
PhD Thesis Benjamin Helmich (2014)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Dichtefunktional- und Wellenfunktionsrechnungen zum Mechanismus der Methanolsynthese an ZnO
PhD Thesis Guido Rossmüller (2013)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Analytische zweite Ableitungen für RI-CC2-und RI-MP2-Grundzustandsenergie
PhD Thesis Daniel Friese (2012)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Untersuchung des Adsorptionsverhaltens von Stickoxiden und H2O2
auf der Rutil-(110)-TiO2-Oberfläche
PhD Thesis Dorothee Stodt (2012)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Berechnung harmonischer und anharmonischer Kraftkonstanten für das Ameisensäuredimer
MSc Thesis Nora Graf (2012)
(not available in electronic form)
Implementierung und Anwendung einer niedrig skalierenden PNO-MP2-Methode
MSc Thesis Gunnar Schmitz (2012)
(not available in electronic form)
Berechnung der Schwingungsspektren von Adsorbaten auf Zinkoxidoberflächen und von Defekten in ZnO
PhD Thesis Jörg Koßmann (2012)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Effiziente Implementierung von SOS-CC2 für elektronisch angeregte Zustäde groß Moleküle
PhD Thesis Nina Winter (2011)
(from web portal of the RUB library)
Berechnung zu elektronisch angeregten Zuständen biologisch relevanter Moleküe mit Dichtefunktional- und Coupled-Cluster-Methoden
BSc Thesis Nora Graf (2010)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
Untersuchung des Adsorptionsverhaltens von kleinen Moleküen auf der Rutil-(110)-TiO2-Oberfläche
MSc Thesis Dorothee Stodt (2009)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
Untersuchungen zur Genauigkeit von spin-skalierten Coupled-Cluster-Methoden für elektronische Anregungen
BSc Thesis Sarah Angelique Grün (2008)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
Ab initio-Berechnungen von Schwingungsfrequenzen f\"ur eingebettete Zinkoxid-Cluster
MSc Thesis Jörg Koßmann (2007)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
Gleichgewichtsstrukturen des Adenin-Thymin-Basenpaares im Grund- und ersten angeregten Zustand
MSc Thesis Nina Winter (2007)
(not available from web portal of the RUB library)
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Ab initio theory for accurate spectroscopic constands and molecular properties
David P. Tew, Wim Klopper, Rafal A. Bachorz, Christof Hättig,
in: Handbood of High-Resolution Spectroscopie
F. Merkt and M. Quack (Eds.), Jon Wiley & Sons, Chichester 2011,
ISBN 10 0470066539
Explicitly Correlated Coupled-Cluster Theory
David P. Tew, Christof Hättig, Rafal A. Bachorz, and W. Klopper
in Recent Progress in Coupled Cluster Methods: Theory and Appllications
Eds. Petr Carsky, Josef Paldus and Jiri Pittner,
Publication Series Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry
and Physics, Vol. 11, 2010, Springer, Berlin, Germany.
Electronic Structure: Hartree-Fock and Correlation Methods
Christof Hättig
in Multiscale Simulation Methods in Molecular Sciences,
Eds. J. Grotendorst, N. Attig, S. Blügel, D. Marx,
Publication Series of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC),
Vol. 42, 2009, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, Germany.
Accurate NLO properties for small molecules. Methods and results
Ove Christiansen, Sonia Coriani, Jürgen Gauss,
Christof Hättig, Poul Jørgensen, Filip Pawlowski,
Antonio Rizzo
in Non-Linear Optical Properties of Matter,
Eds. Manthos G. Papadopoulos, Andrzej Sadlej, Jerzy Leszscynski,
Publication Series Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry
and Physics, Vol. 1, 2006, Springer, Berlin, Germany.
Coupled cluster methods
Christof Hättig
Nachrichten aus der Chemie, 54, 280-281 (2006)
Beyond Hartree-Fock: MP2 and Coupled-Cluster Methods for Large Systems
Christof Hättig
in Computational Nanoscience: Do It Yourself!,
Eds. Johannes Grotendorst, Stefan Blügel, Dominik Marx,
Publication Series of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC),
Vol. 31, 2006, John von Neumann Institute for Computing, Jülich, Germany.
Accurate Coupled Cluster Calculation of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Molecules
Christof Hättig
in Nonlinear Optical Responses of Molecules,
Solids and Liquids:
Methods and Applications,
Ed. Manthos G. Papadopoulos,
Research Signpost 2003.
Back to Table of Contents
Theorie der Chemischen Bindung
(restricted access)
Christof Hättig
Lecture notes (in german) for a lecture on the concepts of molecular quantum mechanics and theortical chemistry
given in the second year of the
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry in Mariapfarr 2011 - Explicitly Correlated Methods
(restricted access)
David P. Tew, Andreas Köhn, Christof Hättig, Arne Lüchow, Hans-Joachim Werner,
scientific organization: Wim Klopper
NIC Winter School 2009 - Multiscale Simulation Methods in Molecular Sciences
Godehard Sutmann, Peter Kratzer, Christof Hättig, Rudolf Zeller, Anthony T. Paxton,
Mark E. Tuckermann, Walter Thiel, James Kermode et al., Thomas Hammerschmidt and Ralf Drautz,
Jörg Behler, Phivos Mavropoulos, Stefan Müller, Ken-ichi Nomura et al., Christine Peter and Kurt Kremer,
Christoph Junhans et al., Burghard Dünweg, Timo Strunk et al., Markus Elstner and Qiang Cui,
Peter L.k Freddolino et al., Arnold Reusken, Stefan Goedecker, Bernd Mohr, Bernd Körfgen and Inge Gutheil
organization: J. Grotendort, N. Attig, S. Blügel, D. Marx
Download server of Forschungszentrum Jülich
Anwendung mathematischer Verfahren in der Chemie
(restricted access)
Christof Hättig
Lecture notes (in german) for a lecture in mathematics given in the second year of the
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
NIC Winter School 2006 - Computational Nanoscience: Do It Yourself!
Volker Staemmler,
Thomas Müller,
Robert O. Jones,
Bernd Meyer,
Stefan Blügel, Gustav Bihlmayer,
Phivos Mavropoulos and Nikos Papanikolaou,
Godehard Sutmann,
Dominik Marx,
Christof Hättig,
Peter H. Dederichs et al.,
Christof Friedrichs and Arno Schindlmayer,
Nikos Doltsinis,
Rudol Zeller,
Daniel Wortmann,
Bernd Mohr,
Bernd Körfgen
organization: J. Grotendort, S. Blügel, D. Marx
Download server of Forschungszentrum Jülich
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry in Mariapfarr 2006 - Molecular Properties
John F. Stanton, Trygve Helgaker, Christof Hättig, Kenneth Ruud
scientific organization: Jürgen Gauss
Winter School in Theoretical Chemistry 2005 - Nanophotonics
Filipp Furche, Christof Hättig, Markuu Leskelä, Jeppe Olsen, Sergei Tretiak, Artur Zrenner
organization: Dage Sundholm