Wortmarke der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Center for Theoretical Chemistry

List of members of group Schaefer

Members of the Schäfer group in alphabetical order:

Lucas Araujo de Lima Dias
PhD Student
Room: ZEMOS 0.43
Telephone: +49-234-32-2157721571
E-mail: lucas.araujo@ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Aladdin Elgendy
Room: ZEMOS 0.29
Telephone: +49-234-32-21582
E-mail: aladdin.elgendy@ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Simon Holtbrügge
PhD Student
Room: ZEMOS 0.45
Telephone: +49-234-32-12853
E-mail: simon.holtbruegge@rub.de

Professor Dr. Jagannath Mondal
Visiting Professor
Room: ZEMOS 0.29
Telephone: +49-234-32-21582
E-mail: jagannath.mondal@rub.de

Tobias Prass
PhD Student
Room: ZEMOS 0.33
Telephone: +49-234-32-24773
E-mail: tobias.prass@ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Professor Dr. Lars Schäfer
Room: ZEMOS 0.51
Telephone: +49-234-32-21582
E-mail: Lars.Schaefer@ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Curriculum Vitae: https://www.theochem.rub.de/~lars.schaefer/LS-CV-pub.pdf
Homepage: http://www.theochem.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/allcategories-en-gb/research/schaefer/researchschaefer

Gers Tusha
PhD Student
Room: ZEMOS 0.45
Telephone: +49-234-32-21577
E-mail: gers.tusha@theochem.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

Dr. Dario de Vecchis
Research Associate
Room: ZEMOS 0.33
Telephone: +49-234-32-24773
E-mail: dario.devecchis@theochem.ruhr-uni-bochum.de

André Zeipelt
Room: ZEMOS 0.43
Telephone: +49-234-32-21571
E-mail: andre.zeipelt@rub.de