Wortmarke der Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Center for Theoretical Chemistry

Theoretical Chemistry Colloquia (SS 2025)

Wednesday 2:15pm in the seminar room NC 5/99.

23. 04. 2025    Professor Stephan Schlemmer, Universität zu Köln, I. Physikalisches Institut
Missing ions in laboratory and in space
(Joint seminar with EXC 2033 “RESOLV”)
30. 04. 2025    Professor Mira Todorova, Max Planck Institute for Sustainable Materials, Düsseldorf
(Joint seminar with EXC 2033 “RESOLV”)
21. 05. 2025    Professor Jagannath Mondal, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad, Indien
Computer Simulation of Biomolecular recognition: Folded versus Disordered Protein
(Joint seminar with EXC 2033 “RESOLV”)
04. 06. 2025    Professor Andreas Köhn, Universität Stuttgart, Theoretische Chemie, Stuttgart
Coupled-cluster theory for multiconfigurational states - are we there yet?
25. 06. 2025    Professor Shirin Faraji, Heinrich Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Theoretische Chemie und Computerchemie, Düsseldorf
Databased accelerated on-the-fly hybrid quantum/classical
(Joint seminar with EXC 2033 “RESOLV”)
07. 05. 2025    Dr. Ulrich Meier, IQM Quantum Computers, München
The Basis Concepts of Quantum Computing
(Joint seminar with EXC 2033 “RESOLV”)
09. 07. 2025    Professor Patrick Rinke, Technische Universität München, School of Natural Sciences, München
Machine-learning accelerated catalyst discovery and characterization
(Joint seminar with EXC 2033 “RESOLV”)

Guests are most welcome!

The current seminar program for printing as a PDF file.
Previous seminar programs: WS24/25, WS23/24, SS23, WS22/23, SS22, WS21/22, SS21, WS20/21, SS20, WS19/20, SS19, WS18/19, SS18, WS17/18, SS17, WS16/17, SS16, WS15/16, SS15, WS14/15, SS14, WS13/14, SS13, WS12/13, SS12, WS11/12, SS11, WS10/11, SS10, WS09/10, SS09, WS08/09, SS08, WS07/08, SS07, WS06/07, SS06, WS05/06, SS05, WS04/05, SS04, WS03/04, SS03, WS02/03, SS02, WS01/02, SS01, WS00/01,
Festkolloquium SS06, Festkolloquium WS13/14
STC 2016 Programm, STC 2016 Homepage

Related Seminars:

HLN Colloquium

Chemistry Colloquium (GDCh)

Physics Colloquium
